Friday, August 6, 2010

The Sacred Flame of your Home

You can partake in this simple ritual easily. Many places around the world use the concept of an eternal, sacred flame to honor special spirits. You can honor the spirit of your home/your ancestors/a goddess of the hearth or home/a saint associated with home matters in the same manner.
You will simply need a stock of 7 day candles and some incense. 7 day candles are INSANELY cheap and so very useful. They can even be found in the international foods aisles of many food stores like Kroger-these typically have saints on them, but those are simple to remove if you do not like the image...just peel it and use soap and water for anything that gets stuck

Light the tip of the incense. I always use the stove to start this ritual since it is the modern day hearth and so much of my magic is home centered. Use the incense to light the candle (I always use white, but as always I invite you to pick the color that feels most relevant to you). I then place the candle on the stove and then walk the incense through the home, purifying the air and asking the goddess for blessings and protection. When the candle is burning low I use another stick to transfer the flame to a new candle and repeat walking through the home. This way, each week I am doing a small and simple home purification, and by transfering the flame to a new candle, the sacred flame of the home never goes out.
These candles can generally be burned safely unattended, however, use your reason and caution. If you are going on vacation for a week, it might make more sense to extinguish the flame for this period of time and relight it upon your return. And obviously, use your candle logic. Do not place an open flame near anything that could set fire.

A Small Goddess Altar

Here is a picture of a small altar I have in the meditation room to the Goddess. It's just in honor of The Goddess, and not one of her aspected in particular. I have 2 cards depicting Irish Goddesses, A cresent moon, an asian Goddess statue and one that I molded out of clay who can hold offerings in her lap

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daily Rituals

Because my spirituality is so important to my day to day existence, I've been thinking about ways of including ritual in the every day.
I already try to express my spirituality through my decor...all the colors on my walls and in my home are picked with a spiritual intent in mind. The placement of crystals and plants are intentional, the pictures on my walls have meaning, and just the symbolism of the knick-knacks I pick out are meaningful to me.
But what I am looking for is an actual ritual I can do every day to connect myself to that which is greater than me. And I have to admit, even as a devout Christian, I wasn't much on daily prayer. I just get busy, I get distracted, or I just get plain ol' tired. I always have been deeply spiritual, but I openly admit to struggling with the daily application.
So simple would be good, huh?
I just bought a wall sconce that is just one big spiral pattern with an amber colored tea-light holder in the middle. I hung this in my kitchen, and I'm thinking, "how simple would it be to just light a little candle each morning and thank the Goddess for being with me?". Just to come up with some words, just a sentence or two memorized to lend a sense of ritual to the act. I can do that!
How about you have any simple daily rituals that renew your sense of spirituality? I'd love to hear about them!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Inside the Goody Cabinet

Since I always get asked "What's in there?" I figured I'd just part the veil and take a pic!

There is of course my "working Altar" on the top there...where I do al my cleansing, charging, and most rituals

Then INSIDE you can see several things
The chest where I keep my tumbled stones
Some extra candles
My books and My book of shadows stacked up
The Basket where I keep extra pillar candles, lighters and incense
Some oracle cards in bags and boxes
Some bottles for gemstone/moon waters/pther little brews
And other little odds and ends...a feather, a small box containing gemstone chips..just little here and there things
The drawers are much the same...more oracle cards, more herbs, some extra boxes, some ribbon in various colors
This all makes for a very convenient working area...EVERYTHING I could need is right there at my working altar

New Goodies!

Here's a little tidbit for those of you who want crystals but don't really have a fortune to spend...New Agey-type shops obviously know they care catering to a "certain crowd"...people who understand the value of certain objects. I'm not saying that's WRONG, however when you are able to shop at places that aren't necesarily catering to a certain group, you can often find incredible bargains.

Case in point: Gatlinburg. Nearly every shop in that touristy area there had SOME sort of mining/crystal thing.

I was able to buy these items for nearly nothing.

I bought the three points shown (Quartz, Smokey Quartz and Amethyst) for $9 each. They are each between 1-3 inches tall. In my area those would have run me about $20-40, easily.

I was able to buy those Citrine clusters for $3 and $2. The larger one is about the size of my palm...again in my area, that would run me over $20, depending on various factors.

A quartz heart that in my area runs between $12-20 was only $6

And this brings my to my last one, which bears with it a word of caution...those "Fill A Bag With Stones for Only ____ Dollars!!!"

Yeah some of those are just dyed quarz and agate beware. However I was able to pick out some genuine Hematite, Rose Quartz, Amethys, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz and Citrine for only $5 for the whole bag

So if you are in a pinch and cannot afford the crystals at your local supplier, don't overlook tourist spots, especially in areas known for mining.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Clear The Air Spray

This is an especially nice spray to use after fights or tension, or for simple purification rituals.


All you need are:

* A spray bottle in a soothing color (clear will work fine though)

*Spring Water

*Lemon or Orange Oil-you can also use oil scented in a floral scent you enjoy. I like gardenia.

Now, making this is easy. Simply fill the bottle with the water. Add several drops of the oil of your choice and cap it off. Turn in upside down 3 times to blend and then immediately join hands with your family, placing the bottle in the center. Now, speak kind words to one another..."I love you"..."Our home is peaceful and happy"..."There is no negativity here"...and so on. As you speak these words, have everyone visualize the positive and clearing energy running through each of you to the next person through your entwined hands. When everyone feels happy and positive, walk to the bottle together and then quickly bring your joined hands to touch the bottle, feeling the happy, clear and positive energy go into your potion.

Everytime you need to use it, simply give it a quick shake and see it glowing, alive with all that wonderful energy, and spray the areas that need good vibes.

This can be modified to be done alone, however if you can include anyone in the house (the more the better) that would be great, since you want to put their personal energy into this home spray too.
Seriously folks, this is where I get all my crystals. LOVE HER!!!

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