Monday, July 5, 2010

Clear The Air Spray

This is an especially nice spray to use after fights or tension, or for simple purification rituals.


All you need are:

* A spray bottle in a soothing color (clear will work fine though)

*Spring Water

*Lemon or Orange Oil-you can also use oil scented in a floral scent you enjoy. I like gardenia.

Now, making this is easy. Simply fill the bottle with the water. Add several drops of the oil of your choice and cap it off. Turn in upside down 3 times to blend and then immediately join hands with your family, placing the bottle in the center. Now, speak kind words to one another..."I love you"..."Our home is peaceful and happy"..."There is no negativity here"...and so on. As you speak these words, have everyone visualize the positive and clearing energy running through each of you to the next person through your entwined hands. When everyone feels happy and positive, walk to the bottle together and then quickly bring your joined hands to touch the bottle, feeling the happy, clear and positive energy go into your potion.

Everytime you need to use it, simply give it a quick shake and see it glowing, alive with all that wonderful energy, and spray the areas that need good vibes.

This can be modified to be done alone, however if you can include anyone in the house (the more the better) that would be great, since you want to put their personal energy into this home spray too.

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