Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oracle Cards vs. Tarot Cards

OK, I'll just say it now....I never could get into the Tarot thing. There.

I don't really know why. Maybe the images never really were that attractive to me. However I have tried other decks, ones that I thought had pretty illustrations and connection. Maybe the symbols themselves just don't speak to me inside. Whatever the case, I could never really rock out with a tarot deck, and I always thought I'd be limited in my divinations methods due to that.

See, I had this silly little notion that "Oracle Cards" *rolleyes* were silly little things for those who just couldn't commit to an understanding of the tarot. It wasn't until I accepted that *I* was one of those people that I ever even considered trying it. I had to really accept the idea that divination has to speak to you. If y0u don't LIKE reading palms, you're probably never going to be really that good at it. If you don't LIKE tarot cards, then you cannot expect to have an innate understanding of them, and their interpretations by you are always going to be textbook, and bland...and ANYONE can read an interpretatiomn from a book. You really have to find something you like, something whose symbolism and artwork you can related to.

So I bought my first Oracle deck...The Wisdom of The Hidden Realms. And I was blown off my seat. Suddenly, for the first time, the cards I turned over made SENSE. I understood what they were telling me, even without the books I've always needed in the past. That was the first time I stopped seeing Oracle cards as playthings for the less "in tune" and started considering them to be on equal par. After all, the interpretation is made through the interpreter, right? And if the interpreter is just really in tune with fairies and likes a smaller deck, then a small fairy oracle deck would be the best method for that person. It's surprisingly like interior decorating-you are going to perform much better in something that suits your tastes.

I currently own ONE tarot deck (it's a Celtic one, which is the path I follow...thought it would be nice to have on hand JUST in case the urge ever finally took over). The other three decks I own are oracle decks...The Hidden Realms one I mentioned, Goddess Guidance Cards (Doreen Virtue), and The Faeries' Oracle (Brian Fround). I am able to get deep and accurate reading with The Hidden Realms and Faeries' Oracle cards, and they are my prefered method of card reading.

So if the Tarot just doesn't do anything for you, I strongly urge you to find an oracle deck that means something to you. Just because the cards of the Tarot just aren't your cup of tea doesn't mean that all forms of card reading are closed to you!

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